Will my brakes seize if they're not in use?

Will my brakes seize if they're not in use?

What if I am not happy with my car on finance?

I’m not using my vehicle frequently, will my vehicle brakes begin to seize up?

I’m not using my vehicle frequently, will my vehicle brakes begin to seize up?

Car brake and suspension repair in progress.
Car brake and suspension repair in progress.
Car brake and suspension repair in progress.

Depending on how long the vehicle is left unused, some vehicle brakes can seize.

Brakes can seize when they are not being used frequently. If you are not storing your vehicle in a garage there is also more chance of your brakes seizing. The brake pads will become ‘stuck’ to the disc due to rusting, especially after rain.

As you are aware, brakes on your vehicle are extremely important. Since they are used a lot during your travels, they happen to be one of the functions that require more servicing due to frequent wear and tear.

If you think you have some issues with your brakes you should carry out checks in several areas. Firstly, check the brake fluid level, to observe the quality of the fluid and identify if there is enough inside the reservoir alongside any leaks.

Image of mechanic fixing breaks on a vehicle.

If your brake pads have worn, this too can cause a stiff brake pedal. This will occur if there is not enough friction made between the brake pads and the brake disc. You will generally hear a grinding sound whenever you brake.

Another issue that prevents your brakes from working properly is when your brakes are dragging. The grinding of the two metals within the brake’s system will generate a burning smell and can cause extreme damages.

One of the most common causes of vehicle brakes not releasing is a seized caliper or brake pad. This will occur if the vehicle brakes are old or have a large amount of rusting around the area. You will notice your vehicle pulling to one side when you press down on your brakes.

If you haven’t used your vehicle for a while, even if you don’t have specific concerns about your breaks, it’s advisable on the first outing to apply the brakes more frequently (over a short period) to clean up any corrosion that may have occurred whilst the vehicle was not in use.

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